Easton Climate Action


Check out local stories of climate action here and learn about how the stories were collected in the video below.


Municipal Operations

City of Easton is directly responsible for a subset of total community emissions resulting from government buildings, City of Easton fleet vehicles, and management of city-owned land. The actions listed in this section not only reduce the portion of community emissions attributable to city operations, but also present opportunities for the City of Easton to model best practices for cutting emissions and maximizing co-benefits. More here.

Commercial Buildings

Energy consumed in commercial buildings account for 26% of the City of Easton’s total GHG emissions. Improving the efficiency of our commercial building stock and reducing the energy demand will contribute significantly to achieving City of Easton’s greenhouse gas reduction target. More here.

Residential Buildings

Energy consumed in residential buildings accounts for 45% of the City of Easton’s total GHG emissions. Improving the efficiency of our residential building stock will contribute significantly to achieving City of Easton’s greenhouse gas reduction target, while saving residents money on utility bills and reducing the need for new infrastructure. More here.

Energy Production

Broadly speaking, the use of fossil fuels for energy (including electricity, heating, transportation, and other uses) is the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Fossil fuels still supply a considerable share of energy for electricity, heating, transportation, and other energy-producing uses. Energy Production is a cross-cutting sector in that nearly all activities that take place in the community require energy of some sort. More here.

Waste, Composting, and Recycling

The City of Easton’s solid waste is disposed of, primarily, at Chrin Brothers Landfill located on Industrial Drive in Williams Township, Northampton County. Emissions from decaying material directly contribute 3% of the City of Easton’s total GHG emissions and contribute to emissions in the Transportation sector via hauling of waste to and from facilities. More here.

Water & Wastewater Management

The City of Easton’s water is provided by the Easton Suburban Water Authority, and its wastewater is treated by the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority. These entities serve Easton and the surrounding municipalities. More here.


Transportation is one of the most visible sources of emissions in the City of Easton. Besides emitting greenhouse gases, cars, buses, and trucks that burn fossil fuels also produce a host of criteria air pollutants in exhaust, reducing local air quality and affecting our health. More here.

Urban Forest, Green Space, and Habitat

One feature that makes Easton an appealing place to live is the presence of trees and parks throughout the city in addition to natural resources like the river front and beautiful trails in the surrounding area. More here.

Local Food & Agriculture

Easton is proud to be home to the Easton Farmers’ Market, the oldest continuous open-air market in the country. In addition, many residents’ long-standing tradition of growing their own food has given rise to a resurgence in community gardening in recent years. More here.

Public Engagement & Education

Many strategies rely on creating public education programs and on the involvement and support of Easton’s residents to implement. A particularly rich opportunity for climate education exists in Easton’s schools, as young people are increasingly concerned about how action taken on climate change now will affect the course of their lives. More here.


Some greenhouse gas reduction measures also reduce risk to climate hazards. More here.