
Transportation is one of the most visible sources of emissions in the City of Easton. Besides emitting greenhouse gases, cars, buses, and trucks that burn fossil fuels also produce a host of criteria air pollutants in exhaust, reducing local air quality and affecting our health. Transportation accounts for 24% of the City of Easton’s total GHG emissions. Easton can seek expansion of alternate modes such as walking, biking, or public transportation to and from the most common destinations as well as increased adoption of electric vehicles (EVs).

  • Reduce vehicle miles traveled by single-occupancy vehicles.
    1. Enhance LANTA bus service by supporting increase in state funding and making service more convenient to attract more riders.
    2. Participate in regional efforts to expand public transportation including the possibility of a light rail system in the Lehigh Valley.
    3. Make infrastructure improvements to enhance cyclist and pedestrian safety (bike lanes, signage, traffic calming, sheltered bike racks, etc.).
    4. Encourage biking and walking through education and incentive programs in partnership with local businesses.
    5. Consider a bike share program for low income residents and rentable bikes downtown for visitors.
    6. Consider creating pedestrian zones closed to vehicles such as Larry Holmes Drive or around Centre Square.
  • Support adoption of electric vehicles.
    1. Continue to add EV charging infrastructure throughout the city and look into state and federal rebate programs to support infrastructure.
    2. Incentivize resident use of EVs through tax benefits, free parking, etc.
    3. Incentivize residents who don’t own cars, car share and take public transportation.
    4. Pursue opportunities to convert city fleet to EV.