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Sense of Wonder

Guest post from NNC docent, John Cosgrove, in response to see the World of Wonder Science on a Sphere program Sense of Wonder Some thoughts upon returning home after watching Jeff’s “World of Wonder” Science on a Sphere show.  There seem to be two types of wonder. There is the wondering that drives investigation. What... Read More

Eastern daisy fleabane

Have you noticed lots of weeds 2-3 feet high with white flowers or rays around yellow centers?  They seem to be growing everywhere this year – in vacant lots, along roadsides, in gardens. Eastern daisy fleabane (Erigeron annus) is prolific this year.  I have decided that some of it looks well in my garden, but... Read More


Salsify – isn’t that what old timers call the oyster plant because it tastes slightly like oysters?  I found a stiff plant with a yellow flower that I identified as western salsify.  Same plant? Not quite.  Western salsify (trogopogon dubius Scop) sports a yellow flower while the salsify vegetable (T. pomfolius) has purple flowers.  Actually... Read More


Recently I had to remove some turf to extend a garden of shrubs. I’m hoping the shrubs will act as a snow fence in the years to come so I don’t get snow drifts blocking my drive. Peeling back turf revealed lots of things: tiny roots from the removed grass, lots of varied-sized stones and... Read More


…Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang  from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave a lustre of midday to objects below.... Read More

Cherry canker

Late winter is the time to prune many fruit-bearing trees and vines.  I took my loppers and a step ladder to prune my cherry trees, removing crossed twigs and branches to clear out the central area and provide more air circulation. It was then I noticed a gummy substance leaking from a long “rip” on... Read More