Introductory text needed.


Although the time required varied among the teachers who developed and implemented their units for the project, the full unit typically required at least 3-4 class periods of at least 45 minutes each.


Observation and Discussion:
“VTS-inspired” observation sessions of at least two images – an art piece relating to the topic of the unit, and a related geospatial data visualization.

Data Visualizations

Data Sketches
Using a creative thinking process, students create their own representations of geospatial datasets on tracing paper, then overlay those different “data layers” to discuss patterns and correlations. Instructions
Data Visualizations

Bridging Approach:
Fence Post Activity

Students represent personal data, thoughts, and opinions in a graphic form and observe and discuss gathered responses.

Guided Discussion
Students represent personal data, thoughts, and opinions in a graphic form and observe and discuss gathered responses. Instructions
Data Visualizations