Sphere Programs
Nurture Nature Center provides field trips for a variety of age groups, from 1st grade to high school and college level. This page lists the sphere programs currently available for group visits of less than 60. Please call 610-253-4432 to inquire if you have groups over 60 in number or have specific needs for programming not addressed here. See also our hands-on science and other programs.
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 10 and up
This show explains how food is produced around the world, from producing fertilizers and growing crops, to raising livestock and fishing. Learn about modern industrial techniques, backyard gardening, and more.

LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 6 and up
This docent-led program features some of the most exciting displays available on the sphere, including the Japanese tsunami, the Earth at night, and global airplane traffic. Be amazed and learn about science!
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 6 and up
Learn about the world’s remarkable corals and the reef habitats they create. Discover where corals are around the world and the impact they make. Find out why coral health is threatened and what you can do to help.
LENGTH: 1 hour

AGES: 8 and up
Find out how influential the Earth’s poles and snow and ice-covered areas are, and their effects on the atmosphere, climate, weather, and even the balance of life on Earth. Learn how these regions are changing and what that means for your future.
Geology and the Environment
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 10 and up
Explore the inside of the Earth, processes behind earthquakes and volcanoes, life in the time of dinosaurs and ancient organisms, and more!

LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 6 and up
From animal migration to plate tectonics, this Science on a Sphere show teaches students about global patterns on Earth that we can observe from above.
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 7 and up
Learn about various types of habitats found all over the world. We will journey all the way from the Polar Regions to the tropics.
Images from Out of this World
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 8 and up
The James Webb Space Telescope is the largest observatory ever launched into space and will provide insight into the early universe, the lifecycles of stars, and the evolution of galaxies. Learn more about the Webb Space Telescope and its first images.

LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 6 and up
Take a journey through the solar system by visiting the sun, the Earth’s moon, and all the planets. Student will learn about all the planets and about the characteristics that make Earth unique.

LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 9 and up (min. 9)
Find out what influences hurricanes, how frequently and where they occur, and their effects.
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 7 and up
The earth is in constant motion and so is life. Animals go on fantastic journeys to survive and reproduce. These journeys take them across continents, through oceans and from pole to pole. Students will follow some of these travelers to find out how and why they migrate.
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 9 and up
Experience the beauty and science of our solar system’s more than 150 moons.
Our Changing Climate
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 10 and up
Our climate is changing – why is it happening, what are the impacts, and what can we do to adapt? This program explores climate change from a global to a local level, reviews the science and future projections, and highlights some solutions. Our future is not set in stone – understanding the challenge can lead to action and hope.
LENGTH: 1 hour

AGES: 10 and up
Water is all around us – it is dynamic and changing and critical for life. Students will learn about the power of water and the important connections between climate, rising sea levels, and flooding. This program covers climate change, rainfall patterns, growing populations, land use and flooding. Students will come away with a better understanding of the differences between weather and climate.
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 10 and up
What is topography? How are topographic maps created, and why are they useful? What makes up a watershed? These questions and more are answered in this show about landscapes. The show includes time with the Interactive Watershed Exhibit.

LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 10 and up
Satellites collect most of the data for Science on a Sphere. Learn about various types of satellites floating in orbit around our Earth and solar system!
Wonders of the World
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 10 and up
Tour the very large, the very small, the very old, and the very far future. We will explore atoms to galaxies and talk about deep time and cosmic scale.
World Wide Weather: Living in Balance
LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 10 and up
Everyone talks about the weather, but did you know it’s all about balance? Students will learn what causes weather, see seasonal changes and hurricanes, and understand how clouds and rain form.

LENGTH: 1 hour
AGES: 9 and up
Sunlight can power the world— in fact it already does! Learn more about the bright ideas behind solar power.