Teacher’s Toolbox


The Building Insights through Observation (BIO) framework combines arts-based instructional approaches with science content and data to build observation and critical thinking skills in middle school students. By slowing down, considering design tools and techniques, and discussing ideas and interpretations, BIO supports student-driven sensemaking of data and earth science content.

Since the project began in July 2021, the project team has engaged in a research process to iteratively develop, test, and refine a cross-disciplinary instructional framework and professional development model with 10 middle school science teachers, using their classrooms to examine how these practices support students’ data literacy and reasoning skills. We invite you to explore the model and consider using it in your classroom. The model’s adaptability supports differentiation for various learner needs and you will find tools, examples, and lessons in this toolbox.

Theory and Approaches
This toolbox offers resources used to build skills, knowledge, and mindsets needed to integrate arts-based pedagogies into science teaching with high quality, scientific data visualizations. Grounded in constructivist learning theory, our approach weaves together evidence-based frameworks from a variety of disciplines to achieve this goal.