CREATE Connections Climate Action Spotlights

Our CREATE Connections college interns have been learning about Easton and Bethlehem’s Climate Action Plans, climate change communication, community engagement, and much more since they started working with us in August. 

Recently, they put together some short videos with information on a variety of climate actions, from composting to eating local to using LANTA buses. You can check out their videos here: CREATE Connections playlist

For more information on some of the actions and strategies highlighted in the videos, check out our climate action Strategy Spotlights.

Looking for current opportunities to get involved with climate and sustainability efforts in our community? Subscribe to our quarterly CREATE Connections newsletter with a section on ways to take action and examples of local success stories.

You can also learn more about some amazing work by our partners on our podcast – all six episodes of season one are available now!

Next, our intern team will start working on developing educational programs for the Easton and Bethlehem Public Libraries this summer. With support from NNC staff and the libraries, the interns will put together 3 different programs with information and activities related to climate action for families who visit the libraries. They will help us deliver the programs in summer 2025. 


This webpage was prepared by the Nurture Nature Center under award NA23SEC0080002 from the Environmental Literacy Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or the U.S. Department of Commerce.